Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Using a Relational Database for Functional Coverage Collection Part Four

Coverage Collection using Python

We will require a method to extract the functional coverage from our DUV. As one of our target simulators will be Verilator this will limit us to the subset of SystemVerilog that it understands and this does not include SystemVerilog coverage constructs. We would be handicapped by using these anyway as not all paid-for event driven simulators have open APIs into these that could be used to extract the data and the SystemVerilog standard does not define such an API. However UCIS has come along recently which does define a standard API that can be used to extract the coverage, but I don't yet know how well supported this is at the current time. But if we wish to use Verilator we'll need another way as it doesn't support any SystemVerilog coverage constructs.

We will use a simple Python based approach that builds upon the SWIG'ed VPI library I described in a previous blog post. As I have said multiple times before executing too much interpreted script will result in significant simulation slowdown, and that is exactly what happens when using this. However it suffices as an example. I believe that a suitable library could be constructed in C++ and integrated into both Verilog and Python through the use of SWIG, so we could declare our coverage points and the instrumentation in Verilog through the DPI. Alternatively we could keep just the instrumentation in Verilog and declare the coverage points with XML, YAML or even Python but this has the disadvantage that the declaration and instrumentation are not in the same place. Then we can use the interpreted language to upload the results to the database or perform whatever post processing is required, utilising the power of the scripting language when the task is not significant in terms of processing requirement or frequency of execution.

However in this example it is all in Python. The code is contained in python/, an example of usage can be found in test/ and is shown below.

  class coverpoint_sig(coverage.coverpoint) :
    'bits toggle'
    def __init__(self, signal, name=None, parent=None) :
      self.size   = signal.size
      self.bit    = self.add_axis('bit', values=range(0, self.size))
      self.sense  = self.add_axis('sense', true=1, false=0)
      self.fmt    = self.add_axis('fmt',
        vpiBinStr=0, vpiOctStr=1, vpiHexStr=2, vpiDecStr=3)
      coverage.coverpoint.__init__(self, name, parent=parent)

    def define(self, bucket) :
      'set goal'
      # no dont cares or illegals

Each new coverpoint inherits from the coverpoint class. The class documentation (here 'bits toggle') also serves as the default description of the coverpoint. We add the axes, here showing how enumerations may be added (note that there is currently no mechanism to group values within enumerations, sorry). We can also optionally pass a model parameter so that a context for the coverpoint can be saved (not shown in this example) so we could also create a method that remembered the scope and could be called to perform the coverage collection if required. However in this example test we do this in another callback.

The define method allows the goal of each bucket to be defined as well as illegal and dont_care boolean flags. It is executed once for each bucket at initialisation and the bucket value enumerations are passed in as part of the bucket argument object as this variation of the define method shows.

  def define(self, bucket) :
    'An example of more involved goal setting'
    bucket.default(goal=10, dont_care=bucket.axis.fmt=='vpiBinStr')
    # bit will be an integer
    if bucket.axis.fmt == 'vpiDecStr' : 
      bucket.goal += bucket.axis.bit * 10
    # sense will be a string value
    if bucket.axis.sense == 'true' :
      bucket.goal += 1

The following snippet shows the creation of a hierarchical node to contain some coverage and an instantiation of the above coverpoint within that scope. We also create a cursor to use when collecting coverage. The cursor is a stateful object which allows us to set different dimensions at different times and the cursor will remember the dimension values.

    self.container = coverage.hierarchy(scope.fullname, 'Scope')
    self.cvr_pt0   =
      coverpoint_sig(self.scope.sig0, name='sig0', self.container)
    self.cursor0   = self.cvr_pt0.cursor()

The cursor has two methods, incr() which will increment the hit count of the bucket defined by the cursor state and hit() which increments the hit count to one if there have not been any hits to date. This allows us to define two types of coverage behaviour, with incr() a test invocation may hit a bucket any number of times whereas with hit() a test can only contribute one hit to any bucket. The incr() method also optionally takes an argument of the number of hits to increment by, the default being 1. Any number of cursors can be created each with its own internal state. Here we see the coverage being collected

  for i in self.cvr_pt0.bit.get_values() :
    self.cursor0(bit=i, sense='true' if sig0[i] else 'false').incr()

First the type of the format is set, and then each bit of the vector is crossed with the sense of that bit and the bucket incremented. Of course this doesn't need to happen at the same time, with multiple cursors it's possible to set axis values at different times/cycles.

The value set on each axis is available as an attribute on a cursor, for example

  if self.cursor0.fmt == 'vpiDecStr' :
    # do something

This allows the cursor to be used to store state of previous axis values for conditional processing of subsequent axes, e.g.

  # use value1 if axis0 and axis1 have same value, else use value2
  if cursor.axis0 == cursor.axis1 :
  else :

Executing Coverage Collection

This is achieved by using a Python VPI callback from the verilog library. We can execute some Python when a particular event occurs within the simulation, be that a clock edge or other event. We can use a cursor to remember states between these events before a final event causes the bucket to be hit, this can be useful when tracing over multiple events by creating a cursor for each initial event and handing it on so that subsequent events can do more processing on it.

Coverage collection is not limited to a simulation environment either, it will also run in pure python - see or neither of which operate in a simulation environment. This can be useful for prototyping outside a simulation environment if the coverpoint declarations are split from the simulation specific trigger code.

It would also be possible to collect coverage post mortem from a VCD dump, given a suitable Python VCD API. In a similar vein one could collect coverage post mortem on custom transactions created during simulation, perhaps by a C++ library. A Python script could then walk over these transactions if the transaction libraries API was SWIG'ed and made available to Python. Although these methods might be slower than some alternatives they would not require any license during execution as they are now running out of the simulation environment.


Using a scripting language is an interesting possibility for collecting functional coverage, and can be summarised in the following points

  • Dynamic, no recompilation necessary - faster turn around between edits.
  • Expressive, great support for concise coding plus dynamic typing. Good library availability including regular expressions for text fields which may be more awkward and less forgiving to use in verilog or C++.
  • Post mortem collection options.
  • Slower execution compared to a compiled language.

Next we will look at how to visualize this coverage data in a web browser.

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